The Care Inspectorate is looking for frontline staff who provide care to people with dementia to participate in the co-design of new dementia resources. The project is to develop easily accessible and understood resources to support the frontline social care workforce in their caring role for people living with dementia, who may be experiencing stress and distress, and their families. The resources will support improvements in person-centred care to reduce stress and distress for people through appropriate assessment, care planning and meaningful connections and activity.

You can take part in this survey here or use the QR code below. The survey asks 15 questions and should take around five minutes to complete. The survey will run until 31 October.  

QR code for dementia resources

In October, there will be two stakeholder workshop events, in Glasgow and Dundee. These are aimed at frontline social care staff, with the aim of co-designing practical tools and resources to support you in your work. As part of this survey, there is an opportunity to apply for attendance at these events. The event in Glasgow will be on 21 October 2024 and the one in Dundee will be on 24 October 2024.  During these workshops, we will explore what resources you feel would make a difference and why. 

It is anticipated that the resources identified will be developed by the end of the year and these will be tested with social care staff in early 2025.  

The above information is from Provider update for adult and older people services from the Care Inspectorate Newsletter Thu 26/09/2024

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