Here is your weekly round-up of content from our website,
Please send us any of your own news, event details, vacancies and more and we'll post them on our website for the thousands of weekly visitors to see.
Click on any of the purple text below to be taken to the item on our website.
FVA Training and Learning
FVA lunchtime learning sessions are aimed at raising the skills and capacities of local service providers interested in improving or enhancing their provision in Fife.
Justice Social Work Services in Fife + Trauma Informed Support
Tuesday 25 February, 12.00-1.00, online
At this session you'll hear about the Justice Social Work service in Fife, where to go and who to contact if you have concerns about someone they are supporting, and their vision for trauma-informed approaches with service users.
How support from Fife Law Centre can help your clients
Thurday 27 February, 12.00-1.00, online
Sam Johnston, Principal Solicitor for Fife Law Centre, will tell us about the range of legal problems they can help with, including criminal injuries compensation, eviction notices, repossession, benefits appeals, and much more.
Supporting Refugees and Migrants in Fife
Thursday 13 March, 12.00-1.00, online
Alison Smith, Manager at Fife International Forum, will help us understand the common challenges newly arrived people face, how to help someone through the benefits system, and how language barriers can be overcome.
Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum
Thursday 20 February, 10.00-12.00, New Volunteer House Kirkcaldy
The Voluntary Sector Children‘s Services Forum (VSCSF) is open to any staff member, board member or volunteer working in the third sector with children, young people and families.
Carers' Providers Forum - March
Tuesday 04 March, 2.00-4.00, Caledonia House Glenrothes
The forum provides a platform for management-level carers' providers from third sectors in Fife to share knowledge, insights, keep informed of the latest development, and influence positive changes in the carers' sector.
Mental Health Forum - March 2026
Thursday 05 March, 10.00-12.00, Caledonia House Glenrothes
Membership of the Forum is open to all staff and trustees with constituted third sector organisations operating in the Fife area in the field of health and social care (i.e. it's not just for organisations that focus entirely on mental health).
Fife Employability Forum
Wednesday 26 February, 9.00-12.30, New Volunteer House Kirkcaldy
The Fife Employability Forum is held quarterly and brings together staff and managers involved in employability services from all sectors - aiming to help organisations to work together to improve employment outcomes for people in Fife.
Volunteer Managers‘ Forum
Wednesday 12 March, 10.00-12.00, Caledonia House Glenrothes
The forum will give you the chance to meet other Volunteer Managers, and share ideas and approaches to various issues that are important now within the volunteering sector.
Health and Social Care Forum - March
Thursday 13 March, 2.00-4.00, Caledonia House Glenrothes
Our forum is open to any third sector organisation working within the health and social care sector in Fife. The forum is a fantastic space for third sector colleagues to come along and hear about key developments in health and social care in Fife and nationally, discuss significant issues and network with other third sector organisations.
Peer2Peer Essentials (3 weeks)
Tuesday 18 February, 10.00-12.30, New Volunteer House Kirkcaldy
Peer2Peer Essentials is designed to introduce you to the values, principals and history of Peer, explore how it relates to your own experiences, and how it works in practice.
Good Conversation - Continuous Professional Development
Tuesday 25 February, 2.00-4.30, online
Good Conversations' CPD sessions will provide opportunities for practitioners to reflect on their use of Good Conversations' tools and to practice their skills in a safe and supportive environment.
Roles and Responsibilities of a Trustee/Committee/Board Member
Wednesday 26 February, 6.00-9.00, New Volunteer House Kirkcaldy
This free training session is designed to help new or potential Trustees to understand their role and responsibilities so that they can enjoy and thrive in their role free from stress or worries by understanding what they can and should be doing.
Volunteer Management Training Course 4 - Fair and Equal Volunteering
Tuesday 04 March, 1.30-4.30, Community Support Hub Dunfermline
This course will enable you and your organisation to feel more confident in understanding the difference between equality and diversity. This can enable your organisation to recruit volunteers who can potentially bring along a vast amount of varied skills and knowledge that may support the skillset that you already have and boost the services you provide.
Our Capacity Building team will be at a rural location near you soon!
Tuesday 18 February - North East Fife
Wednesday 19 February - South West Fife
Tuesday 25 February - North Fife
Wednesday 26 February - Cowdenbeath
Click here to view upcoming dates and locations.
Other Training and Events
Other Training and Volunteering Opportunities
Reuse & Repair Cafe
Thursday 27 February, 12.30-2.30, Dunfermline
Bring along your tattered teddies or trailing troosers and see if they can help you fix them up and give them a new lease of life.
Care Academy Recruitment Event
Wednesday 05 March, 10.00-12.00, Kirkcaldy
This recruitment event aims to bring together health and social care employers in Fife with students and the public. Come along to find out more about the different roles in the care sector, career progression, and support into care, including financial support, care tasters, and much more.
Call for views - Building Safety
The Scottish Government is seeking views regarding building safety issues in 2025 focussing on damp and mould, and Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).
Closing date: 19 February 2025
There are 63 funding opportunities on our website at the moment.
New funding opportunities on our website this week (in order of closing date):
The Magdalen Hospital Trust
The Trust funds projects that work with vulnerable children and young adults, especially those at risk of sexual and other forms of exploitation.
Closing date: 28 February 2025
The Inman Charity
The charity is interested in supporting charitable work around medical research, care of the elderly, welfare, hospices, the deaf and blind, care of the physically and mentally disabled, and the Armed Forces.
Closing date: 28 February 2025
The Hinrichsen Foundation
The Foundation offers grants for the performance, commissioning, and recording of contemporary and experimental music in the UK.
Closing date: 14 March 2025
Thomas Wall Trust
The Trust offer grants to specific projects or core activities that develop critical communication skills for people from disadvantaged groups.
Closing date: 05 May 2025
There are 14 job vacancies on our website at the moment.
New vacancies on our website this week (in order of closing date):