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Fife Employment AccessTrust (FEAT)
Employment service assisting those with mental health issues
01592 759371
Job Centre Plus
New claims:
0800 0556688
Text: 0800 0234888
Mon-Fri 8am-6pm
Existing claims:
for details of specific benefit contact numbers
Opportunities Fife
0844 855 2280 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
The information in this leaflet was correct at time of going toprint. We cannot accept any responsibility for any future changes.
If you spot any inaccuracies, please contact 01592 226425 Printed 05/16
Citizen & Money Advice Citizens Advice and Rights Fife (CARF)
Free independent, confidential advice General advice
0345 1400 095
Debt & money advice
0345 1400 094
Patient advice & support
0345 1400 093
Welfare advice
0345 1400 092
Text service for the deaf
0787 2677 904
(Mon-Fri 8.30am-4pm)
Families Fife Carers Centre
01592 205472
Text: 07881 691391
Fife Community Mediation Service
01592 641618
Care Information Scotland
0800 011 3200 (8am-10pm)
Carers UK
0808 808 7777 (Mon-Fri 10am-4pm)
The Spark
Making relationships work
0808 802 2088