The safe staffing programme would like to share several resources to support services with The Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like a member of the safe staffing team to get in touch with you at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upcoming webinars 

The safe staffing programme team has planned a range of engagement sessions throughout September. This is to support organisations and gather early learning around the implementation of the Act. We would like to invite colleagues, managers and staff from registered services to join a virtual meeting to explore the implementation of the Act. The intention is that these meetings will include a short presentation with an opportunity for delegates to submit questions in advance for the Q&A session.  

  • Monday 9 September 10:00 - 11:00 adults (all adult services except adult and older people’s care homes)  

Planning guides 

The team has developed a series of six information guides in relation to the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act. The guides are available on the safe staffing hub areas for adults, early learning and childcare and children and young people. The guides have been produced to support managers and senior staff in registered care services who are engaged in workload assessment/planning and inspectors evaluating services. 

NES sway resource  

NHS Education for Scotland has created a resource providing an overview of the Act, examines specific duties, and highlights the aspects relevant to each sector. This resource includes practical guidelines and bitesize videos to help you deliver care that meets the requirements of the legislation. By using this resource, you will gain a better understanding of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019. You will identify how to apply its principles in your daily practice and ensure that your care delivery meets the legislative requirements.

Knowledge and skills framework 

Working with key stakeholders, we contributed to the development of this knowledge and skills framework for staffing. The four levels of the framework can be worked through in a variety of ways. There is information contained within each of the four levels that could be valuable no matter what your role and responsibility. Please use all resources as both a means of bite-sized learning and reference, to be accessed at any time. 

Interview with NES 

Steph Thom, safe staffing programme lead, recently did a short interview with NES on the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 and what it means to the Care Inspectorate and our services.

The above information is from Provider update for adult and older people services from the Care Inspectorate Newsletter Thu 15/08/2024

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