I was given the below information from a bloke I just know as John with his dog Freddy. I sometimes met him when I took my dog Jasper out for his walks, but this time I was by myself since I had to put Jasper to sleep due to an aggressive cancer in his mouth. John has spoken to me quite a few times over the month saying that the COVID-19 pandemic is something made up by the world top people, to control the people and get rid of as much of the corrupt politicians and other corrupt people of influence around the world. At least that what I think he said. Due to my health condition, MS, I can be very forgetful which can really annoy my family as well as myself.
John handed me the following documents yesterday I think 06/07/2020 just as I was starting my walk (I am disabled and use a Mobility scooter to get around).
Declaration of Responsibility
I don`t know where he got the documents from but one has
Also I don`t know if the information is accurate or not. So I take no responsibility for the information in these below documents. So it will be up to you the reader what you believe or nor not.