Falls and fractures in older people are a costly and often preventable health issue. Reducing falls and fractures is important for maintaining health, wellbeing and independence amongst older people.
During Falls Prevention Awareness week, Fife's Health and Social Care Partnership along with NHS professionals and Third Sector colleagues will be distributing falls information in public spaces all around Fife. There will be information stands available in Leisure centres, Libraries, GP Surgeries, care homes and other public buildings. They will be providing information around what a fall is, how to prevent falling and ways to deal with the consequences of a fall you or some one you know has had.
Information will also be available at the Wells throughout this week. To find your local well visit the Well webpage here.
If you would like to know more about falls prevention you can also read the following information and watch these short informative videos.
Reading: NHS Falls webpage
Video: Never too late – maintaining strength as we age
Video: Falls prevention – Older People’s Day
Video : How to reduce your risk of falls
The above is From Fife Voluntary Action Bulletin 19 September 2019