The Improvement Service is helping the Care Inspectorate with the production of their end of year report which showcases the delivery and impact of the safe staffing programme.
As part of the data collection for this we would be most obliged if you could complete this survey about the implementation of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 (HCSA).
It asks about:
- how confident you are in implementing and complying with the HCSA
- the main risks you encounter implementing the HCSA into everyday practice
- your approach to the wellbeing of staff
- the extent to which the following will benefit from the implementation of the HCSA
- people’s health and wellbeing
- staff training, knowledge and competence
- staffing levels, staff deployment, workforce and workload
- how much you agree that your understanding has been improved by the range of information and support provided by the Care Inspectorate's Safe Staffing Programme
- the type of support you would like to see over the next 12 months
- if you are an integration or local authority (HSCP), your views about preparing to complete the first HCSA annual report for 30 June 2025.
The survey will close on 24 March 2025, and if you have any questions about it, please contact
The above information is from a Care Inspectorate Newsletter Provider update for adult and older people's services from the Care Inspectorate Thu 13/03/2025