The below are video`s I took of my Stoma since 2010 which was the 30th anniversary of getting my Stoma.
My version of a Dune Worm (Stoma) "Warning" This video contains a internal body part outside the body plus faeces coming out of it & some blood. This is a Robert A Hunter Video This video was taken around the 09/11/2018 This video is of my own Dune Worm (Stoma) and some of the antics it gets upto. Be warned there is faeces coming out of my Worm (Stoma) and Granuloma`s under my wriggly Worm (Stoma) along with some blood There is 1 music track in this video which I put together using sound from Music Maker Jam under a non-commercial licence which I have paid for. I have called the track: Blues Rubbish 004 Blues Rubbish 003 |
Robert Hunters Ileostomy bag change update 19 01 2017 I have been using a different bag, a Pelican Platinum Drainable pouches and I have been putting the Secuplast Aloe Rings on differently so I have done an updated video of me changing my bag and placing the seals around my stoma. The bags I have had recently have had problems with the seal around the stoma separating, I contacted the Manufacturer to be told that they have been having problems with the seals adhesive and that they had hopefully sorted the problem with their latest Lot: number 082017 which I am using just now which are ok so far. The faulty bags Lot: numbers are 302016 then 012017. At the end of the photos are from these bags. This could happen usually after around 12 hours into wearing the bag even after findingThe below are video`s I took of my Stoma since 2010 which was the 30th anniversary of getting my Stoma. the seal Ok before putting it on. In this case I found faeces over my pants and down my leg |
10 Nov 2010 My Stoma with commentaryI thought I`d write a reply to those you have said I had a choice. I had my operation in 1980 and yes I did have a choice, 2 in fact, live with a Stoma and bag or Die without one. I spent about 5 years constantly running to the toilets or having to plan my day around toilets or I would have to wear incontinence pants. I did have a job most of the time, I was an apprentice Baker at the start then a Baker. I did go through a spell where the medicines (Prednisolone, Salazopyrin, Colifoam enema and something called Flemings enema which I can find no reference to on the web) worked of sorts e.g. I didn`t have to run to the toilets as much. I found I started reading more. I would take books with me it the toilets because a lot of the time I could be there for up to an hour, getting up wiping my arse pulling up trousers going to the door turning the handle to go out then having to turn around and sit back down again to strain away and nothing coming out but maybe blood but you can`t help pushing and pushing and again nothings coming out and you're so exhausted but this may continue happening for some time all you want to do is sleep, but if this is all happening while you are at work you can`t (I was lucky the owner was sympathetic to my problem and put up with it even when I was so exhausted I had to go home). There was a point when it was thought I was almost cured and the doctor started reducing my medicines (big mistake), not long after they started doing this the ulcerative colitis went out of control and nothing would stop it. So it was cut away, hence the stoma and bag. Since then I have not really had any problems with my stoma, it`s quite large for a stoma (almost 60mm wide). I heard of people getting blockages with the smaller ones they have and having to go back into hospital but I haven't. I do get problems with my skin around my stoma. The heat of my body melts the material seal between my skin and the plastic of the bag which lets the faeces onto the skin and since one of the large bowls jobs is to neutralize the bacteria from the digestive system and since I don`t have a large bowl any more the bacteria in the faeces starts to eat the skin. I normally know that's happening when my skin starts getting itchy hence it`s time to change the bag and treat the skin if necessary. I got back to a more normal-ish live after the operation. I got back to work, I got married 4 month later, 2 years later we had our 1st daughter, 2 years after that our 2nd daughter. 14 years later (1994) I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Oh I didn`t say that before I started having problems with my bowls I lost the sight in my left eye due to Optic Neuritis. Since being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis I have found that Optic Neuritis and Ulcerative Colitis can be systems of Multiple Sclerosis. I am now having test to find out what is causing some other problems I am having with my head, so far the doctors seem to have ruled out MS after having an MRI scan (which is unusual since most of the times I visit my GP I am told it`s just your MS). Now I am to get an EEG 18th November 2010 to see if that finds anything (the Neurologist suggested it might be epilepsy) though I am hoping it might be an Underactive Thyroid (which is treatable) because I looked up my symptoms under that and most if not all of them comes up under that. I have been getting blood tests done around every 6 months or so and the last one came up as 11 my GP says the grade is 10 -- 19 so it`s on the low side and maybe treatment for this might help. I am getting another blood test on the 10th November so I`ll just have to wait and see. I have been driving a Motability car with hand controls but I have had to hand back my driving licence at least until a solution is found for my problem, if not it`s by by to the freedom I have had. I could put my scooter in the car and go for rambles (you can see the video`s of some of the rambles I have done on YouTube, Facebook and on The Fife Independent Disability Networks website which I look after). I was also helping another organisation Fieldfare Trust survey paths for people with disabilities but that might no longer be happening without transport to carry my scooter. Well things change and I`ll just have to adapted to it. |
I took this video on the 18/08/2012 since there had been a change in how I put my bag on. I now us Cavilon spray to protect my skin around my Stoma instead of Salts adhesive solution, there is a lot less mess. I use Salts Light White Medium bags and Cohesive seals size small. I had my large bowl removed in 1980 due to Ulcerative Colitis, and I thought that since it coming up 30 years I would show my Stoma to the world. For most of the 30 years I have used Salts Light White Bag`s, but I have recently been having problems, and have found that the opening for my Stoma is just a bit to small now which is a pity since I am already on their largest size (I have really liked these bags). I have recently been having problems, and have found that the opening for my Stoma is just a bit to small (it`s about 60mm which I`m told is quite big, but then I know people that have had smaller Stoma`s and have had a lot of problems and have been in and out of hospital, I have had no problems except for a bit of skin problems which would go away after a few days of treatment ) now which is a pity since I am already on their largest size (I have really liked these bags), at present I am trying out new bags from different makers to see which ones will suit me best. Which may not take too long since I don`t think there`s a lot of makers that make the larger bag`s. |
Published on 3 Feb 2010 I had my large bowl removed in 1980 due to Ulcerative Colitis, and I thought that since it coming up 30 years I would show my Stoma to the world. For most of the 30 years I have used Salts Light White Bag`s, but I have recently been having problems, and have found that the opening for my Stoma is just a bit to small now which is a pity since I am already on their largest size (I have really liked these bags). I have recently been having problems, and have found that the opening for my Stoma is just a bit to small (it`s about 60mm which I`m told is quite big, but then I know people that have had smaller Stoma`s and have had a lot of problems and have been in and out of hospital, I have had no problems except for a bit of skin problems which would go away after a few days of treatment ) now which is a pity since I am already on their largest size (I have really liked these bags), at present I am trying out new bags from different makers to see which ones will suit me best. Which may not take too long since I don`t think there`s a lot of makers that make the larger bag`s. |