Insomnia and the effects of sleep loss are in the news a lot recently so it's very timely that following a very successful pilot, Sleep Scotland has rolled out a free Sleep Support Line to provide guidance to parents and guardians struggling with their children's and teenager's sleep problems. This includes, but is not limited to, mainstream or typically developing children and teenagers, who previously could not access our services.

The line will, for the first time, give all families across Scotland access to free support from Sleep Scotland's experienced sleep counsellors, thanks to a grant from Big Lottery Fund Scotland. Parents and carers will be able to seek tailored advice on sleep for their children, from sleepless toddlers to teenagers dealing with exam-stress and the distractions of social media.

If you are unable to call during their opening times, or require an alternative to using the telephone, please email them at and they will arrange an alternative.

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The above information is from a Fife Carers Centre Newsletter May 2018 Issue 76 I picked up at my Doctors practise