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If you are a disabled student or prospective student and think you have been discriminated against, you may be able to challenge this under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA).
The DDA gives disabled students rights in their access to colleges, universities and other providers of Post-16 education. Your rights in education have been introduced in three stages:
Since 1 September 2002 it has been against the law for education providers to treat you less favourably for a reason related to your disability or to fail to make reasonable adjustments to prevent you being placed at a substantial disadvantage.
Since 1 September 2003 education providers have had to provide auxiliary aids and services as part of the reasonable adjustments duty
Since 1 September 2005 education providers have had to make reasonable adjustments to their premises where there are physical features that are placing you at a substantial disadvantage.
There is a Code of Practice for Post-16 education providers about the DDA. It is taken into account by the courts and it guides disabled people and service providers on how reasonable adjustments should be made.
The above information can be found at