Created: 01/11/2017, Updated: 02/11/2017
With the pace of change and the vast range of activities going on within and across services in the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership (FHSCP) a new website has been created for colleagues and partners called Let’s Connect.
Stakeholders said that they wanted to understand better the various roles and activities across the Partnership, how everyone fits together and most importantly what difference all this activity makes.
So that a streamlined, timely and more dynamic flow of information can be provided, Let’s Connect forms part of the Partnership’s new look website. Overall, the aim is to provide a more dynamic and responsive platform where everyone can find out about the many programmes of work that are underway and hear directly from colleagues and partners. Also found there is:
- the latest FHSCP news,
- Michael Kellet's monthly Director’s blog and guest blogs which can be subscribed to,
- an overview on transformation projects and videos as well project newsletters,
- up-to-date news on any consultations or events.
So what does this mean? Well, this is just the start. The partmership will continue to develop the website and pages over time, and by visiting the site regularly stakeholders can:
- keep up-to-date with any change across the Partnership,
- find out all the latest FHSCP news,
- get involved and share your ideas to help transform health and social care services to meet peoples’ wish to live healthy, active and independent live.
As Let’s Connect is a website and not an intranet, it will also be available publically so content will be posted accordingly. This new approach has been used successfully by many other NHS and public organisations including NHS Greater Glasgow.
Let’s Connect is a communication tool with a clear function – to enable people to keep their fingers on the pulse of what is going on. It’s not a replacement for each organisations intranets but will complement them. Other existing and established ways to communicate with each other such as face to face meetings, team briefs and staff side forums, will also continue.
To make sure you know what’s happening across the FHSCP, sign up to Michael Kellet’s Director’s Blog and bookmark Let’s Connect now!
Fife Voluntary Action Bulletin 09 November 2017 Opens a MS Word document containing information and links