We're here to help third sector organisations, and to work with partners to look at how Fife's communities can be resilient and successful.
Our new information and resource page will provide key updates on the latest health advice; news on what is happening locally; and provide support where we can.
This page was last updated on 21 March 2020, 11:40.
Pandemic Information and Response
This page provides information and resources for organisations concerned about the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
We will continue to develop this page and update it with new resources. Please do let us know of any resources we should add to the page, orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Thank you!
We've been inundated with requests from organisations, staff, volunteers and local people looking to help in their community. We're working with Fife Council to co-ordinate community responses and match people looking to offer a helping hand with those needing a helping hand at this time.
In partnership, we've launched a register to help co-ordinate this - sign-up here:
Register to lend a helping hand Register a need for a helping hand
We've also produced some guidance to help people to help out in their community whilst minimising risk to themselves and others. The guidance helps people receiving help to manage risk too. FVA staff and Fife Council staff will help match people to local needs and provide some overall co-ordinating support.
If you'd like to find out more about this new service please e-mail us at:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call, during business hours on 0800 389 6046.
About the current pandemic
Health experts have been saying for many years that a pandemic was statistically overdue. It seems it may be upon us. The World Health Organisation has declared the COVID-19 strain of coronvirus a global pandemic.
This brings with it many challenges, including travel, organising events, turning up to work, working from home potential/possibilities, our staff and volunteers taking ill and/or self-isolating, our service users/clients taking ill and/or self-isolating and the impact that panic buying/stocks of medicines, foods and so on can have on all of us, not just the most vulnerable citizens in our communities. For our sector particularly, our public sector partners are already turning to us to see how we can help them to look after fellow citizens as the impact affects the public sector workforce and the number of clients needing help increases.
Further, there's a growing recognition of the impact all of this negative and worrying news about something that has the potential to affect the global economy, our health and how we will live our day-to-day lives over the next number weeks and months. People are starting to panic and worry, with negative mental health impacts being reported as people are overwhelmed with bad news and information that can be difficult to comprehend, particularly as different countries react differently and some statistics being reported appear to be rather significant and gloomy.
Businesses (mostly retail and travel so far) are seeking financial bailouts/support already. Fewer people shopping (apart from toilet rolls, of course!), dining out, visiting the cinema, taking leisure breaks and so on is going to cost the economy a lot of money, with the result of businesses folding and jobs being lost. This also increases demand on public and third sector services.
Volunteering and Mutual Aid Groups
We're seeing groups emerging across Fife on social media looking to provide support in local communities. This is great and here at FVA we're happy to assist those groups as much as we can. It is worth noting that not all of them will have insurance, policies, risk assessment regimes and proper governance arrangements, so people should be aware of the potential risks.
We would always advise volunteering through established third sector organisations where possible. We know that the vast majority of people getting involved will do good things, safely and appropriately and we don't want to stop any of that, but we also don't want people who are trying to help inadvertently put people at risk, including themselves. We would therefore urge people to consider risks, follow official guidance and put the safety and wellbeing of our more vulnerable citizens at the heart of what they do.
Most of the informal groups will be operating appropriately and will not present any specific risk and here at FVA we're keen to provide whatever assistance we can to help them to operate and manage risk.
Organisations looking for volunteers
As people self-isolate and take precautions to limit the spread of the virus and reduce risk to others, some organisations that are keen to continue to support their clients differently during this time don't have enough people or resources to help. Please use the Helping Hand register above if you'd like to help and we'll be in touch.
Information for Vulnerable People
Vulnerable people, or their families/carers, are likely to be concerned and/or anxious at this time. Keeping people safe and healthy is a fundamental aspect of society and we need to work together to ensure this.
If you are offered help by someone over the next few weeks, then they should have ID if they're working/volunteering for an organisation. If they're not, please stay vigilant and be aware of scammers and people looking to exploit this crisis. Limit access to your home and to any personal information about you. Whilst it's unlikely that people will try to take advantage, we encourage people to be cautious and alert. Here's some brief tips:
• Limit any physical or close contact (we know isolation can be lonely and talking to somebody can seem harmless, but protecting your health is the priority);
• Seek support over the telephone or e-mail wherever possible - contact a voluntary sector organisation that you already know or phone us on 0800 389 6046 or e-mailThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
• Do not wait until things get desperate - make early contact and don't be afraid or ashamed to ask for help - organisations and people are keen to help and standing by, ready to do so;
• Only let somebody into your home if you know who they are and it is absolutely necessary for them to come into your home;
• Don't share your personal details, including health conditions with anybody unless you know and trust them;
• Don't share your bank details with anybody - even if they claim to be from your bank!;
• Don't give money to people for testing kits, protective equipment or anything like that - these are likely to be scams;
• Don't be tempted to visit other vulnerable people to help them out, you could be putting yourself and them at risk - please contact us, or use the register above to let us know about people who need support.
PVG considerations
For unplanned, impromptu and informal activities, it is not necessary to carry out PVG checks on individuals. It is always necessary to manage risk though!
Regulated work, as defined by the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007, relates to individuals whose 'normal duties' would include:
• doing anything permitted or required in connection with the position, the opportunity to have unsupervised contact with protected adults, and
• where contact with protected adults, when the holder of the position is doing anything permitted or required in connection with the position, is more than incidental.
In situations like this, where there are undeniably unforeseen circumstances, there is no requirement to process PVG/Disclosure checks. This doesn't negate the need for basic principles in safeguarding to be applied. Follow the guidelines listed on this page to keep yourself and others safe.
If you have any questions, as always, don't hesitate to contact us.
This is a big topic and we're struggling to find a definitive answer to cover organisations undertaking slightly different tasks. We've spoken to a few specialists in this area and they've said the same thing: Insurers know that these are unprecedented times and organisations changing what they do and how they do it, and doing some additional/different things is almost certainly not going to invalidate insurance cover! What Insurers won't tolerate is a move to additional activities that unduly create wider exposures that could be considered insured under the current business description. Why would using your vehicles to deliver essentials to those in need be any more risk than the actual carriage of people, for example?
Managing risks, documenting things, following good practice and guidance should all be happening anyway, regardless of the circumstances. It is always advisable to contact your Insurer or broker if you are unsure.
Data Protection
The Information Commissioner's Office (the regulator for data protection and GDPR in the UK) has formally announced that they will take a pragmatic approach to enforcement during the pandemic. They recognise that organisations are acting in the public interest and looking to protect people, so will be taking this into account. They have information on their website and you can call their helpline on 0303 123 1113.
We'd advise caution, still, and only share personal data when necessary to provide a service or keep somebody healthy and/or safe. It should be risk assessed, and sensible precautions taken over how you protect information and data about people (not just vulnerable people, but our own staff and volunteers too).
We've come across this nice resource (PDF file) to help children to understand what's happening, produced by Manuela Molina.HR and Employment Law
ACAS independent guidance for employers and employees
Suggested communication to staff about COVID-19
Survey for staff, from CIPD, on preparing to work from home (Word document)
Tips on working from home, published in The Guardian
UK Government's definition of 'key workers'
Policy suggestion for temporary changes to policies and procedures
Managing Risk
UK Government's guidance document on handwashing techniques
World Health Organisation's advice on basic protective measures for the general public
UK Government's information and advice for the public
NHS Inform's information on COVID-19
Zurich insurance's guidance for organisations on planning for a pandemic (written before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic!)
Freedom of Information (FoI) and the Coronavirus, from the Information Commissioner's Office
Data Protection (and GDPR) and the Coronavirus, from the Information Commissioner's Office
Computer hackers/scammers exploiting the pandemic, from the BBC
Key News/Updates
Daily updates - World Health Organisation's daily situation reports
16/03/2020 - OSCR guidance for charities during the coronavirus pandemic
15/03/2020 - Scottish Government advises gatherings of over 500 people should not take place
Fife Developments/Updates
Daily conference calls are now taking place. Key updates will be posted here.
Fife Council and Scottish Government have confirmed that already-committed funding for third sector organisations is not at risk. This includes most third sector organisations in Fife receiving funding through Fife Council, most of which is on a 3 year service level agreement. What organisations do, and the numbers of people supported are expected to be impacted by the current pandemic, and there are no plans to penalise organisations so long as they have contingency plans in place, do what they reasonably can in the circumstances and liaise with their link officer.
This page was last updated on 21 March 2020, 11:40.
The above information and more can be found at https://www.fva.org/pandemic.asp