Due to the rapidly changing landscape in mental health services both locally and nationally, Fife Health and Social Care Partnership is reviewing its current Fife Mental Health Strategy “What Matters to You?” 2013-2020. It is proposed that the new Mental Health Strategy for Fife will be implemented from April 2019 to 2023.
Fife Health and Social Care Partnership are seeking views from a variety of stakeholders, which will inform the Strategy and shape the future for mental health related support services in Fife. They would be grateful if you would take part in the survey to provide your comments and views. This should ensure they undertake as wide a consultation as possible, in the short timescale, and capture the views of as many people as they can.
The timescale is as follows:
Communication plan developed – this has identified all relevant stakeholders – individuals and their families using services, general public through People’s Panel survey, Mental Health Focus group members, participants from Mental Health Engagement event in May, staff (H&SCP, NHS Fife, Fife Council), voluntary sector organisations, Police as well as members of their relevant Committees/leadership groups
January 2019 – feedback will be gathered from all interested parties through survey questions – available electronically here or by post if required.
February 2019 – the feedback from the survey will be added to the comments/feedback from our Mental Health Engagement event held in May 2018 as well as the extensive information gathered by Partnership staff about the ongoing and future projects in Fife. The Strategy will then be drafted and circulated for initial comments.
March 2019 – final draft Strategy will be presented to the relevant committees for consideration.
April 2019 onwards – Strategy launched and implementation plans drafted to undertake any tasks identified as key priorities within the new Strategy.