The Adult Support & Protection Committee (ASPC) has worked in partnership with Stop It Now! Scotland to produce two new easy read resources. 'What am I looking at online?' gives advice to adults at risk of internet offending as a consequence of accessing and distributing child abuse imagery, when their understanding of the implications of their actions is limited or absent due to a learning disability or problem with cognition. 'I've made a new friend online. But I'm worried. What do I do?' gives advice about grooming, sexting, sharing images and information, and how to get support and help if this is happening to you.

Request paper copies from: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 03451 55 55 55 ext 442134.

Stop it Now! Scotland is a child sexual abuse prevention campaign. Their Helpline is: 0131 556 3535 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

From Fife Voluntary Action Bulletin 21 June 2018