We recently published our Equality and Human Rights Monitor. This report evaluates the state of equality and human rights in the United Kingdom and was laid before Parliament on Monday 20 November.

The report is intended to be a reference document for the legal, political and social changes impacting each of the nine protected characteristics. The analysis provides an extensive overview of the progress and challenges in areas such as education, health, justice, and work. 

We have made several recommendations to governments and other organisations to tackle the issues identified in the report, including:

  • Mandatory reporting on recruitment, retention, progression and pay of disabled workers, ensuring that the data is split by type of impairment. Employers should be required to publish action plans to address any disparities identified.
  • A requirement for governments, education providers and relevant inspectorates to report on, and take action to address, the underperformance of boys relative to girls in primary and secondary education.
  • A requirement for governments and health providers to report on, and take action to address, the poorer physical and mental health and poorer experience of accessing healthcare experienced by trans people.

As part of our research, we have also produced additional reports on the state of equality and human rights in Scotland and Wales.

Read the Equality and Human Rights Monitor 

Equality Human Rights Monitor: Is Scotland Fairer? 

Equality and Human Rights Monitor: Is Wales Fairer? 

The above information is from News from the Equality and Human Rights Commission Newsletter Fri 01/12/2023