In November we hosted an event for senior leaders and equality, diversity and inclusion practitioners from armed forces and police and fire services in England, Scotland and Wales.

We were pleased o welcome several delegates from a mixture of national professional bodies, individual forces and services, trade unions and employee networks speakers to this event, which formed part of our ongoing work to tackle sex and race-based discrimination, harassment, and victimisation in the uniformed services. It aimed to improve delegates’ understanding of their legal duties to protect their workforce and how they can put our guidance into practice. 

It also focused on the new preventative duty for all employers which came into force on 26 October 2024. The Worker Protection Act 2023 introduced a legal obligation on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their staff. 

Read more about our Equality Exchange event for uniformed services

Read our sexual harassment and harassment at work technical guidance
Read our 8-step guide for employers on sexual harassment in the workplace

The above information is from News from the Equality and Human Rights Commission Tue 02/12/2024