Clare Armstrong, a solicitor in our Litigation and Advisory team, has appeared on the popular ‘Employment Matters’ podcast to raise awareness of changes to sexual harassment laws. 

Clare and host Daniel Barnett discussed the Commission's updated technical guidance on harassment at work. Our updated guidance states that all employers must take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their workers, including by third parties. Employers must also be proactive in assessing risk, identifying action, and regularly review their processes. 

Rebecca Thomas, our Head of Employment policy, spoke at a Federation of Small Businesses (FSDB) webinar, discussing changes to sexual harassment legislation and our work in this area. This covered key topics for employers such as: 

  • the new legal duty on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their employees 

  • the preventative duty including prevention of sexual harassment committed by third parties 

  • the steps small business owners should take to be compliant with new legislation 

  • potential changes to the duty that the Employment Rights Bill could bring forward

Read our checklist and action plan for preventing sexual harassment at work
Listen to the 'Employment Matters' podcast about changes to sexual harassment laws
Watch the FSB's webinar about changes to sexual harassment laws

The above information is from News from the Equality and Human Rights Commission Tue 02/12/2024