We welcome that the Protection from Redundancy (Pregnancy and Family Leave) Bill received Royal Asset to become law yesterday. This means that pregnant women, and those taking parental leave, will now have extra protection from redundancy.
We are pleased that our research into pregnancy and maternity discrimination played a part in inspiring this legislation. However, the work does not stop here. We will continue to advise the UK Governmnet as and when the provisions come into effect next year, and will continue to look for ways to ensure that pregnant women and new parents are not disadvantaged at work.
We are also pleased to see the Carers Act and Neonatal Care (Leave and Pay) Act - which will help those with caring responsibilities stay in work - receive Royal Assent.
The above information is from the Equality and Human Rights Commission EHRC Scotland Equality Law Bulletin - May 2023 Newsletter Fri 26/05/2023